There’s still no queen active in Wood, but Poly is doing well.Having checked the hive thoroughly there are no sign of eggs or larvae. The eggs put in last week have not been turned into queen cells, so there’s hope that they still think their queen is active.

On inspecting the other hives we saw several drones flying in and out of hives, so there should at least be some around to mate with, if there are virgin queens in the area.

If there are no eggs by next week, I can either put more eggs in from Poly, or take some eggs from the original (rejected) queen and let them requeen.

In Poly, there were 2 play queen cells, one with 2 eggs in. I destroyed these for now, since they aren’t yet running out of room, and will see if they still want to swarm in a week or so, when I’ll use artifical swarm methods to achieve this.

They’ve stored an awful lot of nectar in the brood box, but only just started drawing out the super, so I’ve moved some frames around to try and encourage better frame usage and prevent overcrowding.


Check for egg-laying on Saturday - add eggs from one of the other hives.

Matthew Richardson