Spring is definitely here, with hot weather, sunny days and a lot of plants in flower.

The bees have been coming on leaps and bounds in the last few weeks, and most of the brood has hatched since the last inspection, leading to very full colonies!

Tess is packed - bees covering 10 frames, though not all of these are in use. I’ve added 2 supers to try to spread them out a bit and give them some space to store the flows that are probably on the way (sycamore and hawthorn).

Sarah was also quite full - 7 frames of bees, with 1-2 frames undrawn on each end, but filling out nicely after last week’s feed.

Rebecca still had no sign of a queen, and the eggs I had transplanted in had been capped over, but not made into a queen cells. As a result, I decided to merge Rebecca on top of Sarah using the newspaper method. Hopefully the bees will give extra strength to this colony at this early stage.

Matthew Richardson