While I’m on the subject of spiced foods, I thought I’d add a recipe for another favourite of mine - Krupnik. This is a fantastic spiced honey liqueur found in most Eastern European countries, but under different names (Krupnikas, Vitatis, Viryta, Medovukha - the list goes on…).

Its incredibly easy to make, and another one of those where every family has a different variation - though the base of alcohol, honey, cinnamon and citrus peel seems universal. Here’s my personal variant:

750ml Vodka
400g Honey
3 Cinnamon Sticks, crushed
10 Cloves
5 Allspice Berries, crushed
10 Black Pepper Seeds, crushed
1 Vanilla Pod
5 Green Cardamom pods, crushed
2 Black Cardamom pods, crushed
1/4 Nutmeg, crushed
1 tsp Caraway Seeds
1/2 tsp Coriander Seeds
1” Root Ginger, finely chopped
3 strips Lemon Peel
3 strips Orange Peel

Simmer all the ingredients apart from the vodka and honey in 2 cups of water until the spices are well infused and the liquid a dark brown colour (usually 5-10 minutes). Add the honey and mix well. Add the vodka, cover and leave to cool (if you don’t cover it, then you’ll evaporate all the alcohol!). Leave to stand for up to a week, stir well, strain through a fine sieve and bottle.

Tastes fantastic, but remember its still a strong spirit, even if it tastes like Christmas!

Matthew Richardson